Additional Information:
- Procedures: Acne scars, Blue Light and Levulan, Botox, Cellulite, Collagen injection, Facial Skin Resurfacing, Fraxel, Hair Removal, Hylaform, Injectable Fillers, Microdermabrasion, Photodynamic Therapy, Photorejuvenation, Pigment Removal, Restylane, Rosacea, Scars, Tattoo Removal, Thermage (Thermacool), Veins
- Language Spoken: French, English
- Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Speciality: Dermatology
Education and Accomplishment:
- Medical School: Laval University | Year Graduated: 1980
- Internship: Montreal University
- Residency Completed In: Dermatology
- Residency Institution: Montreal University
- Hospital Affiliations: Centre Hospital des Vallees de L'Outaouais
Professional Memberships: