Facial wrinkles with uneven texture, tone and blotchy color have been treated in the past with chemical peels and dermabrasion.
During the past few years high energy pulsed CO2 and Erbium YAG lasers have been used very successfully for patients with significant wrinkles. The positive results are created by modeling and molding of facial collagen and elastic tissue.
Patients with fine facial wrinkles, slightly loose skin, brown blotchy pigmentation and scattered blood vessels can be improved with a “facial photorejuvenation”. “Light facials” work without the scabs and downtime created by the higher energy pulsed CO2 and Erbium YAG lasers. Some collagen tightening and remodeling occurs with repeat treatments.
How much improvement can I expect?
Patients with minimal wrinkles, but blotchy uneven texture with facial blood vessels can expect great improvement. Those that have severe wrinkles and scars will require a more assertive treatment program.
Will I have any discomfort?
Full face treatments may be a bit uncomfortable. Some patients prefer ice packs, and a topical anesthetic cream like Emla. No anesthetic needles are required.
How to prepare for treatment sessions?
A facial skin care program will be outlined for you that can be started before you commence your treatments and used as a maintenance program. The face should be clean and free of all make up. Emla can be applied to the planned treatment areas 30-60 minutes prior to your sessions. Avoid tanning before and after your “LIGHT FACIALS” as this will enhance blotchiness.
How often can the treatments be performed?
For most patients 3-5 treatment sessions spaced at 2-4 weeks apart create the best end result. Looking after your face is like maintaining your teeth or your car. A repeat “Light Facial” may be required once a year plus your personal facial program reviewed for you.
What are the side effects?
The appearance right after treatment is similar to what you will see after a good exercise workout. The flushing and redness will last from a few minutes to several hours after treatment. If your skin is quite loose you may experience some swelling. The brown age spots and uneven pigmentation will turn slightly darker after treatment.
This temporary darkness will disappear as the spots come off. Blisters can occur but are uncommon.
B. Kent Remington M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)
Jean Carruthers, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C)